Monday, September 13, 2010

Hey It's Monday!

Usually I am not one to greet a morning with a smile, especially when it is a Monday morning. I usually think the creators of the English language were trying to tell us something when they made the words morning and mourning sound the same.
This morning though I am feeling positive. Not sure why that is. Maybe the fog in the air is letting me know that fall is here and the long hot summer is letting go. Maybe it is seeing Resident Evil 4 yesterday and knowing that there will be a Resident Evil 5 coming again at some point (more Milla in the future should bring a smile to anyone's face.)
All I know is today I am in a good mood and felt like sharing it.
Have a good day all!!

Friday, April 2, 2010

TiddlyWiki + Dropbox = Nice Personal Knowledge Manager

I have been trying to find a good way to manage all the little pieces of knowledge I pick up through the day. In the past I would either just file them away in my already way too cluttered brain or scribble them down in a notebook or some such (which I usually lose!). If you have read "Getting Things Done" you know this is not very reliable.
One thing I have been doing recently is using a personal wiki application called TiddlyWiki. This is a single html file you save locally and update and customize as needed. I then found that if I save this to a folder in DropBox. This allows me to access it from any of the computers I use throughout my day or even from my BlackBerry (Read-only) via the DropBox website.
While this doesn't meet all of my needs and wants, it does get me by until I build my own wiki application that does all that I want it to do.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Slides from Intro to WIF at

Been a little slammed since I presented at on "Introduction to Windows Identity Foundation (WIF)" last week so have been slow about getting my slides and source code up.

My slides can be found at: Slides
I will be pulling a step by step process for the demo's instead of providing source. Look for those sometime later this week.