Thursday, January 8, 2009

Setting up an ASP.MVC Project Using TortoiseSVN and Unfuddle – 1.Local Repository Structure

1. Create a Repository

The first step is to create a repository in your Subversion server. In my case since I am using Unfuddle I will create it using the web page.


2. Setup the local Folder Structure

In Windows Explorer create a folder to house your project, in my case I will create it a c:\projects\mymvcproject

Within that folder we will create the following folders:

  • trunk – will contain the main project files.
  • tags – will contain versions of the project as they are released
  • branches – will contain any temporary versions like patches

Now tags and branches we will leave alone for now and focus on setting up the trunk folder. Within it we will create the following:

  • src – will contain the actual VS solution files
  • thirdparty – will hold any external resource libraries that will be used by the solution
  • docs – will contain project documentation

Your folder structure should look like this:


3. Import the Folder Structure into the Repository

Now open up in the c:\projects folder (or whichever folder you created the structure in) and right click on the mymvcproject folder and select TortoiseSVN –> Import…

Snap3 In the Import form enter in the URL of your repository and click OK.Snap4

After entering your username and password, you will see the files imported. At this point the folders have not been added to the repository yet. We must now checkin the files to complete the process.

4. Checkin

Now right click on the mymvcproject folder and click on SVNCheckout.


Enter the URL of the repository as before and the path to your mymvcproject folder and click OK


The files will be checked and and you should see this:


Now if you go into Unfuddle and look in your MyMVCProject you will see that the folders have been added as expected:



In the next post I will cover the creation of the Visual Studio solution and ASP.NET MVC Project.

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