Friday, April 2, 2010

TiddlyWiki + Dropbox = Nice Personal Knowledge Manager

I have been trying to find a good way to manage all the little pieces of knowledge I pick up through the day. In the past I would either just file them away in my already way too cluttered brain or scribble them down in a notebook or some such (which I usually lose!). If you have read "Getting Things Done" you know this is not very reliable.
One thing I have been doing recently is using a personal wiki application called TiddlyWiki. This is a single html file you save locally and update and customize as needed. I then found that if I save this to a folder in DropBox. This allows me to access it from any of the computers I use throughout my day or even from my BlackBerry (Read-only) via the DropBox website.
While this doesn't meet all of my needs and wants, it does get me by until I build my own wiki application that does all that I want it to do.

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